
Primavera num dia de chuva

Hoje deixamos aqui um desejo: que a Primavera chegue depressa!

Esse foi o mote desta festa. A Primavera num dia de chuva!

O sol e as cores primaveris entraram por esta festa e vieram alegrar uma tarde muito divertida, em mais uma colaboração com a bake4u e o Rui Patraquim.
Spring in a rainy day party from BistrotChic
Colorful paper flowers from BistrotChic
Spring in a rainy day party bottle decoration from BistrotChic

Spring in a rainy day party from BistrotChic

Spring in a rainy day party favours from BistrotChic

Spring in a rainy day party from BistrotChic

Giant paper flower from BistrotChic

Spring in a rainy day party from BistrotChic

Spring in a rainy day party from BistrotChic
Spring in a rainy day party from BistrotChic


Today we leave here one wish: that spring arrives soon!

This was the motto of this party. Spring a rainy day!

The sun and the spring colors came through this party and brighten the afternoon in another collaboration with bake4u and Rui Patraquim.

2 comentários:

S disse...

Adoro Sofia! Os Pompons, o chevron, as cores, tudo! Parabéns! Beijinho

Sofia disse...

Obrigada Sofia! Bj

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